random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Mark Silva, Twinkako Ishiwata Pichler
Desperately seeking Twinka
One Picture book # 36
HC 15 x 19 cm., 500 copies, one print.
Nazraeli 2006
random picks
John Divola
Three Acts
Sigrid Schneider
Schwarzweiss und Farbe
Das Ruhrgebiet in der Photographie
Günter Blum
Dieter Bachmann
Der Körper der Photographie
Eine Welterzählung in Aufnahmen der Sammlung Herzog
Bill Burke
Fire + Iron
Chris Killip
In Flagrante - Errata book #4
Architektur der Obdachlosigkeit
Proust und die Liebe zur Photographie
Mauro D' Agati
Palermo Unsung
Robert Adams
Perfect Times Perfect Places
Marcel Grützbach
five4select tour
Roni Horn
To Place
Postcards from the first 8 books: 1991 - 2001
Mary Ellen Mark
Falkland Road
Prostitutes of Bombay
Geert van Kesteren
Why Mister, Why?. Iraq 2003-2004
Jock Sturges
New Work 1996-2000
Tina Bara
Fragile Portraits
Joel Meyerowitz
Cape Light
Foreword by Clifford S. Ackley
Peter Granser
Coney Island
Alec Soth
From Here To There: Alec Soth's America
Robert Adams
Tree Line
Hasselblad 2009
The Open Book
A history of the photographic book from1878 to the present
Mathieu Bernard-Reymond
Vous êtes ici
Bobbito Garcia
Wher'd You Get Those?
New York City's Sneaker Culture. 1960-1987
Ken Schles
William Eggleston
Yasuhiko Uchihara
Son of a Bit
Michael Stevenson
Distant Relatives / Relative Distance
Peter J. Mönnig
Rom. Die Ausgrabungen zur Pax Romana von Peter J. Mönnig
Die Klasse Magazin #
Transitting # 1
William Klein
Melanie Wiora
Beyond the Moment
David Hockney
Retrospektive Photoworks
Alwin Tölle
Schwarzwald /Schwarzweiss
Daniel Frasnay
Im Licht des anderen
Alexander Lavrentiev
Alexander Rodchenko
Photography 1924-1954
Dan Graham
Dan Graham by Dan Graham
Anthony Hernandez
Waiting for Los Angeles
Rob Hornstra
101 Billionaires - Crisis Edition!
Jordi Bernardó
charcos puddles
Katja Stuke
Could be / Könnte sein
Morten Andersen
Black and Blue
David Bailey
Anthony Goicolea
Anthony Goicolea
Thomas Kern
A drug free land
Florian Ebner
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam. Landscapes for the Homeless I
The Big Book of Typographics
Wilhelm Schürmann
Pegel Köln
Katharina Bosse
Surface Tension
Bill Henson
Hermann Krone
Experiment. Kunst. Massenmedium
James Agee
Preisen will ich die großen Männer
Martin Parr
West Bay