Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Stephen Shore
American Surfaces
HC, 25 x 22 cm., 230 pp. 2nd Softcover ED !
Phaidon 2005/2008

"In American Surfaces, I was photographing almost every meal I ate, every person I met, every waiter or waitress who served me, every bed I slept in, every toilet I peed in. But also, I was photographing streets I was driving through, buildings I would see." Stephen Shore -

Sensationeller Rundumschlag, der nach zwanzig Jahren kaum an Kraft verloren, aber einiges an Schönheit gewonnen hat. Unsere Abbildung zeigt den Altmeister in Höchstform, Tennessee December 1973.

The book shows around three hundred of the thousands of pictures Stephen Shore took in 1972 during his now famous journey around the US. Amongst these are the 220 photographs Weston Naef bought for the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
With a text by Bob Nickas.


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