random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ed Ruscha
Seven Products, Twentyfive Apartements, Three Palm Trees, Six Rooftops and One Aerial View
SC, 16,x,21,5 cm., 59 pp.
Gagosian 2003
random picks
Mark Morrisroe
Purple Ten Years
Jeff Wall
Figures and Places
Lennart Olson
From One Side to the Other
Bridges Photography
Katrin Freisager
Marnix Goossens
Deep Light
Nadav Kander
Beauty's nothing
Edited by Michael Mack
Mary Ellen Mark
Greg Gorman
Just Between Us
Robin Maddock
God Forgotten Face
Fischli & Weiss
Musée d'art moderne Paris
Bruce Gilden
Karl Steinorth
Lewis Hine. Passionate Journey - Photographs 1905-1937
Matthias Petrus Schaller
Studio Gursky
Giorgio Baravalle
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Forgotten War
Lucinda Devlin
Water Rites
Michael Wolf
Real Fake Art
Maria Morris Hambourg
Walker Evans
Thomas Karsten
Moments of Intensity
Otto Steinert & Schüler
Fotografie und Ausbildung 1948 - 1978
Serge Lutens
Susanne Lange
Bernd und Hilla Becher
Festschrift Erasmuspreis 2002
Ed Ruscha
Mountains and Portraits
Absage an die Wirklichkeit
Subjektive Positionen zeitgenössischer Fotografie
David Goldblatt
David Goldblatt
Südafrikanische Fotografien 1952 - 2006
Paul Andriesse
In-between - Special Edition!
Daido Moriyama
Record #8
Kiroku #8
Lili Almog
Perfect Intimacy
Remy Comment
De la chute de graves sur une pente douce
Mary Ellen Mark
Indian Circus
Amin El-Dib
Eine Reise nach Ägypten 1997. Edition 365
Matthew Sleeth
Tour Of Duty. Winning hearts and minds in East Timor
Jock Sturges
Der letzte Tag des Sommers
Silke Helmerdig
Ein Pixel, Zwei Korn
Grundlagen analoger und digitaler Fotografien und ihre Gestaltung
Alex Farquharson
The Magic Hour . The Convergence of Art and Las Vegas
Richard Avedon
Made in France
Text by Judith Thurman
Peter Bialobrzeski
Tigri Di Luce
Ben Westwood
Andreas Feininger
Melvin Sokolsky
Seeing Fashion
Text by Martin Harrison
Georg Gerster
Weltbilder. 70 Flugbilder aus den sechs Erdteilen
Harvey Benge
China Story
Ernst Baumann
Motive der Sehnsucht. Fotografien 1925-1950
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Doris Frohnapfel
Border Horizons
Photographs from Europe
Dennis Hopper
A System of Moments
Maria Heiden
Hotel New York
Ute Behrend
Märchen / Fairy Tales
Andreas Herzau
New York
Allan Sekula
Mathieu Pernot
Le grand ensemble
Purple 15 : Wolfgang Tillmans Special
Paolo Pellegrin
Double Blind. War in Lebanon 2006
Reto Camenisch
Reto Camenisch
Danny Lyon
Forty Years