random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Andreas Magdanz
HC, 14 x 14 cm., 102 pp.
Magdanz 2004
Eine Hommage an den Film " La petite prairie de bouleaux" von Marceline Loridan-Ivens.
random picks
Die Chinesen . Fotografie und Video aus China
Karl Blossfeldt
Urformen der Kunst
Jörg Steinmetz
Be here now
David Hockney
Retrospektive Photoworks
Eiko Grimberg
When Germans clap, it's like we boouuh
Adam Broomberg
Mr. Mkhize's portrait & other stories from the new South Africa.
Masato Seto
David Armstrong
The Silver Cord
Unclassified. A Walker Evans Anthology
Korrie Besems
A contrived Past
Vanessa Beecroft
Michael Light
LA Day / La Night
Werner Schäfke
Köln und seine Fotobücher
Albrecht Tübke
Purple 15 : Wolfgang Tillmans Special
William Christenberry
William Christenberry
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Nudes. The Blue House
Ann Mandelbaum
Thin Skin
Lucinda Devlin
Lucinda Devlin / Peter Hendricks
32. Jahresausstellung der Darmstädter Sezession
Jerusalem Exposure
Craigie Horsfield
La ciutat de la gent
The city of the people
Chris Killip
In Flagrante - Errata book #4
Wolfgang Zurborn
Mitten im Westen. Eine Entdeckungsreise durch den Rhein-Sieg-Kreis
Jahrbuch des Rhein-Sieg-Kreises
Deanna Templeton
17 Days
William Eggleston
The Democratic Forest
Luigi Ghirri
by Massimo Mussini
Stephane Duroy
Dariusz Kantor
Von Kohle gezeichnet / Weglem znaczone
Ruth Orkin
Above and Beyond
Summer Vacation. Found Photographs
Yves Marchand
The ruins of Detroit
Helen Levitt
Here and There
Lewis Baltz
Rule without Exception
Simon Roberts
We English
Michael Stevenson
Take your road and along
The advent of the modern black painter in Africa
heute bis jetzt
Zeitgenössische Fotografie aus Düsseldorf, Teil II
Michael Schmidt
Birgitta Lund
In Transit
Anja Müller
...aller Liebe Anfang
Shift - Greetings from Beirut
Natalie Pelosi
It ain't me, Babe
Settings & Playings. Theatrical ambiguity in American photography
JH Engström
Christian von Steffelin
Palast der Republik. 1994-2010
Claudia van Koolwijk
Imagining Paradise
Takehiko Nakafuji
Enter the Mirror