Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Useful Photography No. 004
Mit Fotografien von Hans Aarsman, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Erik Kessels, Hans van der Meer
SC, 21 x 29,5 cm., o.pp.
KesselsKramer 2004

Photographs collected and editied by: Hans Aarsman, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Erik Kessels, Hans van der Meer

'Useful' is a relative word. In the palestinian refugee camps, portraits of the dead - soldiers, suicide bombers, militants and intifada fighters - are glued to the walls. The purpose of these posters is propaganda, but shown here they tell a different story, about the relentless terror and desperation that prevails in this troubled region.
The posters in Useful Photography # 004 were photographed by Ad van Denderen in the region of the West Bank.


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