random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Walker Evans
First and Last
Harper & Row 1978
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random picks
Thomas Struth
Gerhard Richter
Todd Hido
House Hunting
Judith Samen
Luigi Ghirri
It´s beautiful here, isn´t it ..
Garry Winogrand
Winogrand 1964
Kilimanjaro / Issue 5
Good Enough To Eat
Inge Morath
First color
Guido Costa
Nan Goldin
Erik Van der Weijde
Lee Friedlander
Work from the same House
Photographs & Etchings
Ryoji Akiyama
New York Reports
Richard Prince
Photographs - Paintings
VERY. Styleguide Fashion 1
Open City
Street Photography since 1950
Bauhaus Weimar. Entwürfe für die Zukunft
Stefan Heyne
The Noise
Robert Adams
Interiors 1973 -74
Charlie Crane
Welcome to Pyongyang
Stripped Bare. Der entblößte Körper in der zeitgenössischen Kunst und Fotografie
Allan Sekula
Fish Story
Péter Nadas
Schöne Geschichte der Fotografie
Ulrich Mattner
Frankfurt Inside
Katharina Bosse
Erich Salomon
Mit Frack und Linse durch Politik und Gesellschaft
Photographien 1928-1938
Martin Eberle
Temporary Spaces
Eiko Grimberg
When Germans clap, it's like we boouuh
Martin Parr
Boring Postcards
Peter Hendricks
Das Ravensburgprojekt
Perspektive Dokumentarfotografie
Dokumentation des Symposiums am 28./29. September 2002 im Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln
Michael Stevenson
Distant Relatives / Relative Distance
Ohio # 10
J.M. Arsath Ro'is Amsterdam
Sigmar Polke
Die Editionen 1968-2000. Catalgue Raisonné
Todd Hido
A Road divided
Marc Quinn
Andreas Gursky
Kim Bouvy
Phantom City
a photo novel
Nobuyoshi Araki
Tokyo Love
Spring Fever 1994
Andreas Feininger
Andrej Krementschouk
No direction home
Birgit Akesson
Postmoderner Tanz aus Schweden
Chic Clicks. Commerce and Creativity in Contemporary Fashion Photography
Floris Neusüss
Rosalind Solomon
Polish Shadow
Stefan Canham
Portraits from Above - Hongkong's Informal Rooftop communities