random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Eva Castringius
The Big Sky. Los Angeles -Berlin
SC, 20 x 25 cm., o.pp.
Jovis 2002
random picks
Don McCullin
A Retrospective
Karianne Bueno
De Overkant. Amsterdam Noord
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Robert Polidori
Zones of Exclusion. Pripyat and Chernobyl
Useful Photography No. 001
Gerard Petrus Fieret
Gustaf Karlsson
That no longer are
Som inte längre är
Mary Ellen Mark
American Odyssey
Greg Girard
Phantom Shanghai
Todd Hido
Shirin Neshat
Two Installations
Wilhelm Wagenfeld (1900-1990)
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Photographien 1949-1970
Jeff Wall
Szenarien im Bildraum der Wirklichkeit. Essays / Interviews
William Eggleston
Los Alamos
Gudrun Kemsa
Moving Images
Josef Koudelka
Werner von Mutzenbecher
Im Film Sein
Iain McKell
The New Gypsies
Source #28
Autumn 2001
Tomoko Sawada
School Days
Zoltán Jokáy
Der, die, das
Kaylynn Deveney
The Day-tp-Day Life of Albert Hastings
Texts and Drawings by Albert Hastings
Claudio Moser
dedicated to the warmest flugelhorn tone
Angela Neuke
Staatstheater - Mediencircus
Balthasar Burkhard
Georgia Daskalakis
Stalking Detroit
Benedikt Steinmetz
Von Amts wegen. 51 Lichtbilder - Ämter einer Stadt
Metamorphoses De L´Electricite
Koji Onaka
2002 - 2007
JAM: Tokyo-London. Die photokina-Bilderschauen 1950-1980
Martin Parr
Fashion Newspaper. Tokyo 2007
Joel Preston Smith
Night of a thousand stars and other portraits of Iraq
Martin Eder
Die Armen
Anton Corbijn
U2 & I
The Photographs 1982 - 2004
Perspektive Dokumentarfotografie
Dokumentation des Symposiums am 28./29. September 2002 im Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln
Vier Generationen ostdeutscher Fotografen
Jack Pierson
every single one of them
Kenro Izu
Sacred Places
Sophie Ristelhueber
Fait - Errata book #3
Lee Friedlander
New Mexico
Rem Koolhaas
Guide to Shopping
Project on the City 2 - Harvard Design School
Strangers: The First ICP Triennial of Photography and Video
Stephen Gill
Archaeology in Reverse
Hans-Michael Koetzle
Photographers A-Z
Lewis Baltz
Ronde de Nuit
Junko Takashi
The Receptionist
One picture book # 38
Robert Frank
One Hour