random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Summer Vacation. Found Photographs
HC, 21 x 21 cm., 126 pp.
T.D. Adler 2000
random picks
Henrik Spohler
0 /1 Dataflow
Joakim Eskildsen
Nordtegn - Nordic Signs
Paula Chamlee
High Plains Farm
Ewoudt Boonstra
Bad Food Gone Worse
Stephane Duroy
L'Europe du silence
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Karoly Kincses
Photographes. Made in Hungary
Paul Andriesse
Anders Petersen
Close distance
Tom Wood
Photie Man
Junko Takashi
The Receptionist
One picture book # 38
Boris Mikhailov
Michajlov: The Hasselblad Award 2000
Dan Holdsworth
Dan Holdsworth
Leigh Ledare
Pretend You´re Actually Alive
Robert Knoth
Certificate no. 000358 /
Nuclear Devastation in Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Urals and Siberia
David Levi Strauss
Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
Erich Hartmann
Where I was
Will McBride
Mein Italien
Joachim Brohm
Dinu Li
The Mother of all Journeys
Olivier Cablat
A Typological Study on the Effects of Causality observed
on Individuals exposed to Physical Exercise of a Podiatrical Nature
Garry Winogrand
The Man in the Crowd
The uneasy streets of Garry Winogrand
Candida Höfer
Projects: Done
Robert Lebeck
Tokyo / Moscow / Leopoldville
Alwin Tölle
Schwarzwald /Schwarzweiss
Joel Preston Smith
Night of a thousand stars and other portraits of Iraq
Daido Moriyama
Buenos Aires
Lee Friedlander
Flowers and Trees
Lee Friedlander
Self Portrait
Photographs by Lee Friedlander
Ilse Bing
Vision of a Century
Stephen Gill
Heinz Held
Köln in Wirtschaftswunderzeiten
Fakir Musafar
Spirit + Flesh
Helmar Lerski
Metamorphosen des Gesichts
Die "Verwandlungen durch Licht" von Helmar Lerski
Jacqueline Hassink
The Power Book
Margherita Spiluttini
Nach der Natur
Joel Meyerowitz
Wild Flowers
Ted Partin
Eyes Look Through You
Rinko Kawauchi
Richard Kern
Rineke Dijkstra
Martin Parr
Signes des temps
Luuk Wilmering
A personal Geographic
The Acts of Mercy / De Werken van Barmhartigheid
Ed van der Elsken
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall / MoMA
Anja Conrad
Sensation des Alltäglichen
Boris Mikhailov
Unfinished Dissertation
Shuhei Motoyama
Shuhei Motoyama: Luxembourg, The Netherlands
In - between 5
Rineke Dijkstra
Die Berliner Zeit
Martin Parr
Guardian Cities Project