Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Alec Soth
Paris Minnesota
Fashion Magazine by Alec Soth
SC, 24 x 30 cm., 184 pp.
Magnum 2007


Während wir auf den Herbst, und damit auf das Buch "Bogota" von Alec Soth warten, hier ein kleiner Pausenfüller: das Fashion Magazine von Soth, nach Martin Parr und Bruce Gilden das dritte. Und wenn ein ernster junger Mann, ein legitimer Nachfolger der new color Bewegung in Paris und Minnesota mit Modellen und Laien arbeitet um haute couture abzulichten, was kann´s besseres geben?

Soth was asked wether he would like to do this mag in september '06 and when he said yes, they started working on it straightaway. In an interview he states, that as a document maker he is interested as much in the metamorphosis as the story behind the gap between a chanel bag he photographs on a girl in minnesota and Lagerfeld posing in the Grand Palais in Paris. A strange fruit and hybrid, but we think it´s the essential accessory for this summer and a good work to expand our understanding of Alec Soth (whilst waiting for "Bogota", due this autumn).


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