random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Source #28
Autumn 2001
SC 26x21 cm 61 pp.
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random picks
Kenzo Izu
still life
Horatiu Sava
(zurück nach) Transsilvanien
edition 365_12
Vor aller Augen
Fotografie aus Leipzig
John Davies
Cross Currents
Lee Friedlander
America by car
Paul Seawright
Serge Lutens
Frank Kunert
Topsy-Turvy World
Nicolas Faure
Switzerland on the Rocks
Architektur der Obdachlosigkeit
Birney Imes
Juke Joint
Photographs by Birney Imes
Ortiz Echagüe. Photographs 1903-1964
Lee Friedlander
Terri Weifenbach
The Politics of Flowers
Ed van der Elsken
Once upon a time
Anne Wilkes Tucker
Louis Faurer
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1984 bis heute
Jean-Frédéric Schnyder
Zugerstrasse - Baarerstrasse
Danny Lyon
The Bikeriders
Rinko Kawauchi
Max Pam
Going East
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam. Landscapes for the Homeless I
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman
Useful Photography No. 003
Rene Groebli
Magie der Schiene
Gedicht von Albert Ehrismann
The Polaroid Book Selections from the Polaroid Collections of Photography
Ralph Hinterkeuser
Lille Métropole
New York
Text by Thomas Page
James Agee
Let us praise famous men
Robert Doisneau
Gestohlene Blicke
Sigfried Giedion und die Fotografie
Bildinszenierungen der Moderne
Bernhard Fuchs
René Burri
Blackout New York
Sally Mann
Unmittelbare Familie
Jock Sturges
New Work 1996-2000
Eva Castringius
The Big Sky. Los Angeles -Berlin
Matthias Hoch
Mit Texten von Michael M. Thoss und Hans Dieter Huber
Jewgeni Chaldej
Von Moskau nach Berlin
Dominique Auerbacher
did you say il progresso?
Linea veloce Bologna - Milano /2
Goto Go
Day by Day