random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
HC 29 x 28 cm.
Steidl 2008
Third edition, featuring new cover!
random picks
Frank Horvat
Paul Reas
I Can Help
Lucinda Devlin
Lucinda Devlin / Peter Hendricks
32. Jahresausstellung der Darmstädter Sezession
James Agee
Let us praise famous men
Richard Kern
Andrea Robbins & Max Becher
The Transportation Of Place
Cindy Sherman
The Complete Untitiled Film Stills
Making Your Dreams Come True. Young British Photography
Yutaka Takanashi
Photography 1965-1974. Special Edition incl. b/w print
Charlotte Dumas
Day is Done
Boris Mikhailov
Crimean snobism
Bilder aus einer großen Stadt
Barbara Crane
Private Views
Michéle Auer
802 photobooks from the M. + M. Auer collection
Sophie Calle
Joel Meyerowitz
Cape Light
Foreword by Clifford S. Ackley
Joan Fontcuberta
Deconstructing Osama
The truth about the case of Manbaa Mokfhi
Julian Germain
For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness
Andreas Magdanz
BND - Standort Pullach
Inez van Lamsweerde
Inside Cars. Volume 5 Number 2
Eiko Grimberg
When Germans clap, it's like we boouuh
Jens Liebchen
Mochizuki Masao
Television 1975 - 76
Martina Mullaney
Turn In
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
A Storybook Life
Lothar Baumgarten
Bill Henson
Lux et nox
European Eyes on Japan - Vol. 2
Ken Schles
A New History of Photography - WHITE PRESS #1
The world outside and the pictures in our heads
Andrej Krementschouk
No direction home
Albrecht Tübke
Takeshi Dodo
Ed van der Elsken
Paolo Ventura
War Souvenir
Fred Ritchin
In Our Own Image
The Coming Revolution in Photography
Michael Mack
Reconstructing Space:
Architecture in recent Germany Photography
Thomas Chable
Odeurs d'Afrique
Kirill Golovchenko
7 km - Field of wonders
Christophe Bourguedieu
Sebastien Girard
Desperate cars
Wolfgang Zurborn
Dressur real
Nick Waplington
The Indecisive Memento
Christoph Burtscher
My father is the boss. Early photographs
Lee Friedlander
America by car
Big sized Ed. - Only pre-ordering possible -
Victor Boullet
Social Hypocrite
Vladimir Birgus
Jaroslav Rössler
Karl Blossfeldt
Urformen der Kunst
Neuausgabe als Mappenwerk
Ikko Narahara
Number 31
Klavdij Sluban
Go East
Hugo Loetscher
Durchs Bild zur Welt gekommen. Reportagen und Aufsätze zur Fotografie
Stefan Roemer
Begegnungen mit Deutschen
encounters with germans
Neil Drabble
Tree Tops Tall
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
with an essay "The Planets" by Luc Sante