random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Michael Schmidt
Berlin. Stadtlandschaft und Menschen
HC, 22 x 27,5 cm., 92 pp.
Stapp 1978
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random picks
Lee Miller
Scatti di Guerra
Eva Bertram
2 Ein Kind - 2 One Child
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture - Special Edition
Sibylle Bergemann
Judith van Ijken
Huellas de Luz
El Arte y los Experimentos de William Henry Fox Talbot
Shinro Ohtake
1974 - 1975
Matthew Sleeth
Chritian Gapp
Digitales Bild ? Bildung des Digitalen
Karin Apollonia Müller
Angels in Falls
seduire/ seduce
Pipilotti Rist
Apricots Along The Street
Robert Adams
A Portrait in Landscapes
Michael Ackerman
End Time City
Ed Ruscha
Stephen Shore
The Velvet Years 1965-67. Warhol's Factory
Melvin Sokolsky
Seeing Fashion
Text by Martin Harrison
Sean Sexton
Das wundersame Pflanzenreich des Charles Jones
Magnum Stories
Wolfgang Tillmans
truth study center
Planet of Visions / The 21st Century
Im Themenpark der EXPO 2000 Hannover
Kate Newton
Women's Contemporary Portrait Photography
Paul Casaer
People, Bags, Bushes & Tracks
Aino Kannisto
Staged Photographs
Frank Breuer
Logos Warehouses Containers
Esko Männikkö
The Female Pike
Malick Sidibé
Malick Sidibé
Anton Corbijn
33 Still lives
Books on Photography III
Carl Haenlein (Hrsg.)
Photographie und Bauhaus
Annelise Kretschmer
Useful Photography - Special Edition in a box
Joakim Eneroth
Utan Slut / Without End
a koan
Timm Rautert
Schauraum. New York 1969-70
Justin Winz
Your journey. Visual poetry.
Useful Photography No. 001
Ulrike Brückner
Space For (would you like to comment?)
Stephan Vanfleteren
Portret 1989-2009
Daido Moriyama
Florence Henri
Fotografien aus der Sammlung Ann und Jürgen Wilde
Rolf H. Krauss
Walter Benjamin und der neue Blick auf die Photographie
Jens Liebchen
The Flag