Viviane Sassen
HC, 24,5 x 31 cm., o.pp. - 2nd printing!
Contrasto 2009/2010
Raised in the Netherlands but having spent a couple of her childhood years in Kenya, Ms. Sassen revisits Africa with the delicate eye of an avant-garde fashion photographer and the heart of a 'citizen of the world.' Although as viewers we are presented with Africa, we cannot help but notice the folds and patterns in the astounding fabrics worn by its inhabitants.
"Asked for a description of her work, Sassen has more than one used the phrase 'creating order out of chaos.' This rather factual indication is linked to the technique of her craft and her stylised manner of representing. For a photograph brings life to a halt, causing development and movement to become solidified. The use of bright, contrasting colors and a highly developed graphic eye for surface divisions, lines and relationships lend Sassen's work an unmistakably aesthetic character. It is pervaded with a timeless beauty inextricably connected with an underlying visual hierarchy that seems sculptural." (from the epilogue by Edo Dijksterhuis)