random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Walker Robert
Color is Power
HC 25,5x30 cm 134 pp.
Steidl 2003
random picks
Wiebke Loeper
Hello from Bloomer. Viele Grüße aus Wismar
Daniela Brasil
Em Transito
Stephen Gill
Archaeology in Reverse
Claude Cahun
Dirk Reinartz
Innere Angelegenheiten
Taiji Matsue
Thomas Demand
Cuts, Papers and Leaves. Colomina & Kluge
Amanda Eliasch
British Artists at Work
Yoshihiko Ueda
John Gossage
Hey Fuckface!
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Henna Nadeem
A Picture Book of Britain
Herbert Tobias
Paul Graham
Shimmer of Possibility
Michael Stevenson
The Mlungu in Africa
art from the colonial period, 1840 - 1940
Ortiz Echagüe. Photographs 1903-1964
Yves Marchand
The ruins of Detroit
Letizia Battaglia
Photographs of Sicily
Passion Justice Freedom
Paul Kooiker
Utrechtse Krop
Bill Barrette
Big City Primer
Reading New York at the End of the Twentieth Century
Elisabeth Neudörfl
future world
Nelli Palomäki
Elsa ja Viola - Elsa and Viola
Stefan Bladh
The Family. 2002 - 2009
Mémoire des camps
photographies des camps de concentration et d'extermination nazis (1933-1999)
Robert Weingarten
6:30 am
Vladimir Birgus
The photographer Frantisek Drtikol
Marnix Goossens
Deep Light
Kate Newton
Women's Contemporary Portrait Photography
Hans Waanders
Helen Levitt
Slide Show
Walker Evans
First and Last
Paolo Pellegrin
Double Blind. War in Lebanon 2006
Ulrich Mack
Photographs from Storyville the Red-Light District of New Orleans
Todd Hido
House Hunting
Herlinde Koelbl
Das deutsche Wohnzimmer
Katharina Bosse
New Burlesque
Lewis Baltz
The Prototype Works / Tract Houses / Industrial Parks
Helmar Lerski
Metamorphosen des Gesichts
Die "Verwandlungen durch Licht" von Helmar Lerski
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Werner Mantz - Vision vom Neuen Köln. Fotografien 1926-1932
Jacqueline Hassink
Tod Papageorge
Passing through Eden
Photographs of Central Park