random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam : Landscapes for the Homeless II
HC, 25 x 25 cm., o.pp.
Paris / Lausanne 1997
random picks
Leigh Ledare
Pretend You´re Actually Alive
Florian Böhm
End Commercial
Uschi Huber
Cristina García Rodero
Rituales en Haití
Joakim Eskildsen
I Chicken Moon
Mary Ellen Mark
Falkland Road
Prostitutes of Bombay
Ivan Zulueta
Mientras tanto ...
Alec Soth
From Here To There: Alec Soth's America
In Deutschland
Aspekte gegenwärtiger Dokumentarfotografie
Sabine Vielmo
30.000 Seemeilen
Andreas Magdanz
Jock Sturges
Harald Hauswald
Leben vor dem Mauerfall Life before the wall fell
Klaus Honnef
Und sie haben Deutschland verlassen müssen
Fotografen und ihre Bilder 1928-1997
Katja Stuke
Could be / Könnte sein
Marc Quinn
manger / eat
Andreas Schmidt
Las Vegas
Joel Sternfeld
Campagna Romana
The Countryside of Ancient Rome
Wolfgang Maaßen
Designer`s Manual
Basiswissen für selbständige Designer
Garry Winogrand
Public Relations. Introduction by Tod Papageorge
Michael Ackerman
Egbert Haneke
Vis motrix
Will McBride
I, Will McBride
Luca Campigotto
Venice. The City by Night
Cat Tuong Nguyen
Underdog Suite
Fotografien und Collagen 1996-2009
Richard Misrach
John Gossage
Wolfgang Zurborn
Dressur real
John Davies
Cross Currents
Ralph Hinterkeuser
Lille Métropole
Steve McCurry
Sanctuary. The Temples of Angkor
Rinko Kawauchi
Robert Frank
Moving Out
Pipilotti Rist
Remake of the Weekend
André Gelpke
Gilles Peress
Telex Iran
Alex Webb
Hot Light/Half Made Worlds
Photographs from the Tropics
Stephen Gan
Where will we meet next?
Edward Ruscha
Editions 1959-1999. Catalgue Raisonne
Fred Ritchin
In Our Own Image
The Coming Revolution in Photography
Mark Helfrich
Naked Pictures of my Girlfriends
Idan Hayosh
Jet Master. A Visual Strategy