random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Tina Enghoff
Seven Years
HC, 30 x 25,5 cm., o.pp.
Journal 2010
random picks
Martin Rosswog
Horatiu Sava
(zurück nach) Transsilvanien
edition 365_12
De France
Rolf W. Hapke
Femmes. Erotische AugenBlicke
Xiao Hui Wang
Close to the Eyes
Texts by Tilman Spengler and Xiao Hui Wang
Takashi Homma
In Our Nature
Erich Hartmann
Where I was
Ambroise Tézenas
Peking - théatre du peuple
Nakahira Takuma
Number 36
Boris Mikhailov
Salt Lake
Robert Frank
One Hour
Rick Smolan
Passage to Vietnam. Through the Eyes of Seventy Photographers
Candida Höfer
Zoologische Gärten
Zed Nelson
Gun Nation
Issue A2
Act of Faith
Thomas Ruff
Oberflächen, Tiefen
Kid's Wear Vol. 20
Spring/Summer 2005
Jörg Sasse
tableaux & esquisses
Terence Riley
Mies in Berlin
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Die Berliner Jahre 1907-1938
Georg Grosz
Das Auge des Künstlers. Photographien New York 1932
Lynne Cohen
Thomas Karsten
Moments of Intensity
Jamel Shabazz
A Time Before Crack
Jules Spinatsch
Brand New Animals / We will never be so close again
Mary Ellen Mark
William Eggleston
Giorgio Baravalle
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Forgotten War
Susanne Pfleger
Yet Untitled. Die Sammlung Bernd F. Künne
European Photography
No 75 spring/summer 2004
Global > Detail. Noorderlicht X
William Eggleston
The Democratic Forest
Armin Linke
Instant Book
René Groebli
The Eye of Love
Steve McCurry
Jürgen Escher
Leben Helfen
Roberto Bissani
Prima del Distacco
Michael Kenna
A Twenty Years Retrospective
Bela Doka
The Sundays of life
Thirty Years of Fashion at Vogue
Robert Adams
Perfect Times Perfect Places
Christopher Wool
East Broadway Breakdown
Luc Sante
Lauri Eriksson
Suomi Pictures
Claudia Angelmaier
L' image et l' objet
Positions. Attitudes. Actions
Social an political commitment in photography
Lee Friedlander
Doris Frohnapfel
Tina Ruisinger
Faces of Photography
Encounters with 50 Master Photographers of the 20th Century
Albrecht Fuchs
Portraits. 30 Postkarten
Louise Lawler and Others