Jeff Burton
The Other Place
HC 32 x 36 cm
Twin Palms 2005
Art, fashion and pornography have their own standards of decency. The hierarchy is so rigid. Fine art has been elevated to the top, fashion is a bit lower than that, and porn's even a bit lower than that. I wanted to break through and introduce those genres to one another', Jeff Burton says, allowing the different levels of expression to merge. The sexualization of absolutely everything- bar sex. Burton reinterprets the very concept of pornography: His photographs capture the idea of seduction and sensuality, without the crude harshness of explicit hard-core imagery. Burton captivates, titillates and yet only hints at what is really going on. these scenes might be quite harmless, but nothing is as banal as it seems, and the atmosphere suggest a drama about to unfold. his viewers are thrown into the rather embarrassing but irresistible role of voyeur.
>Please ask for special edition!