Richard Billingham
Black Country
HC 27 x 22 cm., 70 pp.
A new book featuring specially commissioned photographs by Richard Billingham taken in and around his hometown of Cradley Heath in the Black Country, West Midlands, published by The Public. This book is part of The Public's series of art projects looking at the 'Wonders' of the Black Country.
The remarkable series of photographs explores the changing, post-industrial landscape of Cradley Heath, the area where Billingham was born and grew up. On another level, the pictures also mark his enduring connection to his hometown. The publication features daytime images taken in 1997 using the snapshot aesthetic to be found in Billingham's earlier work. Six years on from these photographs, Billingham was commissioned by The Public to take a series of new images re-visiting the same area. Using a larger, medium format camera, and focusing on the area at night, the photographs reflect how Billingham's relationship with the area has changed over time.
With critical essay by Jonathan Watkins and foreword by Sylvia King.
Die Landschaftsaufnahmen in Black Country sind wie eine Fortsetzung der Familienfotos von 2000. Nur diesmal stehen nicht die Menschen im Vordergrund, sondern leere Straßen und Gassen (tagsüber und nachts), die genauso zum Leben des Malers gehören wie das Chaos in der Wohnung seiner Eltern.