random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Doug Aitken
SC, 25 x 29 cm., 160 pp.
Phaidon 2001
random picks
Steve Pyke
Post Mortem
One picture book # 33
Slavica Percovic
Hara Mikiko
Hysteric Thirteen
Between Home and Heaven
Contemporary American Landscape Photography
Sigmar Polke
Die Editionen 1968-2000. Catalgue Raisonné
Sally Mann
Proud flesh
Raimond Wouda
John G. Morris
Get the picture
A Personal History of Photojournalism
Gerhard Richter
Atlas. 1962 - 2006
Kiyoshi Suzuki
Soul and Soul 1969 - 1999
Justine Kurland
Spirit West
Mark Silva
Desperately seeking Twinka
One Picture book # 36
Andreas Mader
Die Tage Das Leben
Karl Hugo Schmölz
Dom-Ansichten. Fotografien des Kölner Doms1939 bis1962
Iain McKell
The New Gypsies
Shirin Neshat
Two Installations
Yuichi Hibi
A Weekend with Mr. Frank
One Picture book # 35
Jörg Koopmann
Cat seen
Pip Erken
Remnants of the recent past. The Soviet energy legacy
Black Brown White
Fotografie aus Südafrika
Joel Sternfeld
Hart Island
Daniel Gustav Cramer
Nobuyoshi Araki
Tokyo Love
Spring Fever 1994
Frank Horvat
Very similar
Todd Hido
André Kertész
André Kertész
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Prestel Lexikon der Fotografen. Von den Anfängen 1839 bis zur Gegenwart
Gillian Laub
Edward Burtynsky
Manufactured Landscapes
Jürgen Escher
Für mich Heimat bedeutet. Fotografische Spurensuche
Derek Ridgers
When we were young
Derek Ridgers: Club and Street Portraits '78 - 87
Katja Stuke
Could be 7 Könnte Sein
Danny Lyon
Indian Nations. Pictures of American Indian Reservations in the Western U.S.
Margit Zuckriegl
Weegee's Story. From the Berinson Collection
Gilles Peress
Farewell to Bosnia
Werner Schäfke
Köln und seine Fotobücher
Ute Langanky
Manfred Faßler
Ohne Spiegel leben. Sichtbarkeiten und posthume Menschenbilder
Boris Mikhailov
Michajlov: The Hasselblad Award 2000
Michael Witte
Stand by
Alexey Titarenko
City of Shadows
Tomorrow for ever. Photographie als Ruine
Sarah Carlier
Four years, three deaths, sweaty armpits and a fetus
Dayanita Singh
Peter Hendricks
good copy
ein album von peter hendricks
Monika Faber
Anton Josef Trcka. 1893-1940
Arnold Newman
Selected Photographs
Bobbito Garcia
Wher'd You Get Those?
New York City's Sneaker Culture. 1960-1987
Michael Koetzle
Das Lexikon der Fotografen
1900 bis heute
Huger Foote
My Friend from Memphis
Verfahren der Fotografie
Roswitha Hecke
Roy Finer