random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Roadside Japan
Aspect 1997
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random picks
John Szarkowski
Jessica Backhaus
Jesus and the Cherries
Arnold Odermatt
Meine Welt. Photographien/ Photographs 1939-1993
Mary Ellen Mark
Falkland Road
Prostitutes of Bombay
David Levi Strauss
Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
Nina Poppe
Trade. Waren, Wege und Werte im Welthandel heute
Paul Theroux
Orlando oder die Liebe zur Fotografie
Johannes Schwartz
High Nature I
Volker Heinze
Time Window
Jonathan Green
American Photography
A Critical History 1945 to the Present
Irving Penn
Photographs of Dahomey
Rinko Kawauchi
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture
Mercedes - Cover
Rolf H. Krauss
Kunst mit Photographie. Die Sammlung Dr. Rolf H. Krauss
Paolo Pellegrin
As I Was Dying
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Foam: Mario Testino
Claudio Moser
dedicated to the warmest flugelhorn tone
Priska Pasquer
La trajectoire du regard. Une Collection de Photographies du XXe Siècle
Sze Tsung Leong
History Images
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Zeche Hannover. Hannover Coal Mine
Ed van der Elsken
Fotografie + Film 1949-1990
Sweet Action #2
Porn for Girls
Gilles Peress
Die Gräber / Les Tombes / The Graves
Srebenica and Vukovar - ANSICHTS- / RESTEXEMPLAR!
Tom Wood
Antoine D´Agata
Sante d'Orazio
Introduction by John Yau
Ad van Denderen
Occupation: Soldier
The La Brea Matrix Proposal, Ltd. Edition of 100 copies
6 German Photographers and a New Color Icon
Antoine D´Agata
Mala Noche
Matthias Hoch
Mit Texten von Michael M. Thoss und Hans Dieter Huber
László Moholy-Nagy
Color in Transparency
Fotografische Experimente in Farbe 1934 - 1946
Leigh Ledare
Pretend You´re Actually Alive
Matthew Sleeth
Kirill Golovchenko
7 km - Field of wonders
Daido Moriyama
Record #9
Kiroku #9
Naoya Hatakeyama
Zeche Westfalen I / II Ahlen
Edward Grazda
Afghanistan Diary: 1992-2000
The Singled Person
Kohei Yoshiyuki
The Park
Mars /
Lilly´s Waist
One Picture book
Proust und die Liebe zur Photographie
Eikoh Hosoe
Deadly Ashes
Pompeii Auschwitz Trinity Site Hiroshima
Thomas Demand
La Carte d'apres Nature (Ed. francaise)