random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Fritz Sarasin
Portraits kanak, paroles kanak
HC, 18,5 x 27,5 cm., 95 pp.
Christoph Merian Verlag 1996
Historische Fotografien von Fritz Sarasin - Zeitgenössische Texte aus Neukaledonien
random picks
Leo Divendal
Joakim Eskildsen
I Chicken Moon
André Principe
Master and Everyone
Berenice Abbott
Changing New York
Peter Dressler
Bleibende Werte
Lasting Values , Valeurs Sures
POLADARIUM 2012! Every day a new Pola!
Wolfgang Zurborn
Au Centre de la Vitesse
Mission Photographique Transmanche Cahier 22
Robert Lebeck
Neugierig auf Welt
Erinnerungen eines Fotoreporters
Enver Hirsch
Toast Hawaii
John Gossage
The Pond. A book of 52 photographs
Ed van der Elsken
Peter Bialobrzeski
Lost in Transition
Axel Hütte
As Dark as Light
Thierry Girard
Les cinq Voies de Vassiviere
Bruce Davidson
Visser Hripsime
Phaidon 55: Ed van der Elsken
Daido Moriyama
Thomas Ruff
Machines / Maschinen
Max Kozloff
New York. Capital of Photography
Harvey Benge
A Short History of Photography
Shinro Ohtake
1974 - 1975
Michael Ruetz
Larry J. Schaaf
The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot
Valentina Seidel
Exchange. Portraits with Artists
Karl Geiser
Karl Geiser Fotografien
Rosie Wolford
Shell Life
A celebration of the worlds quirkiest brands
Marc Räder
Mallorca - Island in Progress
3D-> 2D The Designers In and Out of Architecture
Ellen Korth
Morten Andersen
Jetlag and alkohol
David Goldblatt
Hasselblad Award 2006
Ricardo Cases
The Frozen Wolf Hunt / La Caza del Lobo Congelado
Katy Grannan
Model American
Serge Lutens
Jitka Hanzlova
David Campany
Kunst und Fotografie
Max Pam
Going East
Purple Fashion
No. 2 Fall / Winter 2004/05
Hiro Matsuoka
The Undescribed Dance
Erik Kessels
Bangkok beauties
Thierry Girard
La Route du Tokaido
William Eggleston
Elvis at Graceland
Hylton Nel
Hylton Nel
Wolfgang Tillmans
Abstract Pictures
Paul Kranzler
Land Of Milk And Honey
Evelyn Richter
Evelyn Richter. Rückblick Konzepte Fragmente
Michael Stevenson
The Mlungu in Africa
art from the colonial period, 1840 - 1940