random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Manfred Hamm
HC, 24 x 32 cm .,151 pp.
Nicolai 2008
random picks
Mika Ninagawa
Earthly Flowers, Heavenly Colors
1995 - 2008
Yukichi Watabe
A Criminal Investigation
Manfred Faßler
Ohne Spiegel leben. Sichtbarkeiten und posthume Menschenbilder
Brian Finke
Flight Attendants
Nan Goldin
The Beautiful Smile. The Hasselblad Award 2007
Ray K. Metzker
City Stills
Anonymes. L'Amerique sans nom : photographie et cinema
Robin Maddock
Our kids are going to hell
Klaus Kertess
Photography Transformed
Gottfried Jäger
Concrete Photography
Konkrete Fotografie
Blink. 100 Photographers, 10 Curators, 10 Writers
Vanessa Winship
Sweet Nothings. School Girls from the Borderlands of Eastern Anatolia
Dan Eldon
The Journal is the Destination
Bruce Weber
The Chop Suey Club
Barry Frydlender
Place and Time
Klaus Wohlmann
Kön - Wege - Bilder - Gedanken
Patricia Albers
Schatten Feuer Schnee
Das Leben der Tina Modotti
Jean-Christian Bourcart
Forbidden City
Texte de Régis Jauffret
Kyoichi Tsuzuki
Roadside Japan
Gerhard Richter
Terri Weifenbach
Inge Morath
New York
Michael Stevenson
Surviving the Lens
Photographic Studies of South and East African People, 1870 - 1920
Visions from America. Photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art 1940-2001
Hans Engels
Bauhaus-Architektur. Bauhaus Architecture
Text by/von Ulf Meyer
Confronting View s
Juergen Teller
Robert Adams
Sunlight, Solitude, Democracy, Home...
Photographs by Robert Adams
Philipe Halsman
Emily Andersen
Paradise lost & found
Hara Mikiko
Hysteric Thirteen
Christian Patterson
Sound Affects
Jessica Backhaus
What still remains
Absage an die Wirklichkeit
Subjektive Positionen zeitgenössischer Fotografie
Boris Becker
Claims and Constructions
Jochen Manz
Twentythree Bankers
Miklos Gaál
Sightseeing tour
Candida Höfer
Projects: Done
Taiyo Onorato
It must be a camera / As long as it photographs
Nan Goldin
Soeurs, Saintes Et Sibylles
Wijnanda Deroo
Dieter Bachmann
Der Körper der Photographie
Eine Welterzählung in Aufnahmen der Sammlung Herzog
Lars Tunbjörk
I Love Borás !
Models. A collection of 132 German police uniforms and how they should be worn.
Viggo Mortensen
Marc Quinn
Rika Noguchi
The Planet: Noguchi Rika
Jonas Wettre
Flying Clipper Logbook
Musicians. Portraits 1981-2001