random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Carl De Keyzer
SC, 30 x 30 cm., 96 pp.
Focus 1990
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random picks
Richard Avedon
Made in France
Text by Judith Thurman
Christian von Steffelin
Palast der Republik. 1994-2010
Junko Takashi
The Receptionist
One picture book # 38
Geert van Kesteren
Why Mister, Why?. Iraq 2003-2004
Walker Evans
American Photographs - Errata book #2
Die Klasse
Alec Soth
Brighton Picture Hunt
Joel Meyerowitz
The Arch
Essays by Joel Meyerowitz and Vivian Bower
Jacqueline Hassink
Nathan Lyons
After 9/11
Eikoh Hosoe
Ordeal By Roses. Ba Ra Kei
Meschac Gaba
& other recent projects
Bruce Weber
All -American Short Stories
Anders Petersen
Roma. a diary 2005
Henk Wildschut
Sandrien La Paz
Mary Ellen Mark
Falkland Road
Prostitutes of Bombay
Steichen's Legacy. Photographs, 1895-1973
Edited and with text by Joanna Steichen
Rene Burri
Berner Blitz
Chitpur Road Neighborhoods
Klaus Wohlmann
Kön - Wege - Bilder - Gedanken
Theaters of the Real
Martin Harrison
In Camera Francis Bacon
Fotografie, Film und der Weg zum Gemälde
Joachim Schmid
Photoworks 1982 - 2007
Begierde im Blick. Surrealistische Photographie
Lee Friedlander
Self Portrait
Photographs by Lee Friedlander
Michael Wolf
Hong Kong: front door / back door
Rick Smolan
Passage to Vietnam. Through the Eyes of Seventy Photographers
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Was wir tun, ist letzlich Geschichten erzählen ...
Bernd und Hilla Becher, Einführung in Leben und Werk
Rob Hornstra
Roots of the Rúntur
Keith Holz
Im Auge des Exils. Josef Breitenbach und die Freie Deutsche Kultur in Paris 1933-1941
Thomas Demand
Robert Frank
Seven Stories
Thomas Manneke
Odessa. 06'04 2007 - 18'06 2007
Rebecca Horn
Notebook Samarkand 2001
Rem Koolhaas
Seiichi Furuya
Dirk Fischer
New York . Beiläufige Ansichten einer Stadt
Fotografien 1990 - 2001
Judith Joy Ross
Living with War. Portraits
Peter Granser
Coney Island
Lucinda Devlin
Water Rites
Harvey Benge
Sport 33 Spring 2005
Dave Anderson
One block
A New Orlaens Neighborhood Rebuilds
Stephen Shore
Das Wesen der Fotografie
Tina Barney
Fotografien. Von Familie, Sitte und Form
Amanda de Cadenet
Rare Birds