random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Anna Auer
Die Wiener Galerie Die Brücke
Ihr internationaler Weg zur Sammlung Fotografie
SC, 16 x 24 cm., 242 pp.
Dietmar Klinger 1999
random picks
Juergen Teller
Ich bin vierzig
Michael Kenna
A Twenty Years Retrospective
Mark Power
Retorn al país de les meravelles. L`art contemporani i la infància
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture.
Between Home and Heaven
Contemporary American Landscape Photography
Sian Bonnel
From an Elsewhere Unknown
Michael Kenna
Zana Briski
Alistair Crawford
Mario Giacomelli
Jonathan Crary
Techniken des Betrachters
Sehen und Moderne im 19. Jahrhundert
Boris Becker
Robert Adams
Pine Valley
Hans W. Mende
Grenzarchiv West-Berlin 1978/1979
Melanie Wiora
Beyond the Moment
Karl Hugo Schmölz
Dom-Ansichten. Fotografien des Kölner Doms1939 bis1962
Bruce Weber
Branded Youth and other Stories
Walker Evans
Andrej Bán
William Eggleston
The Democratic Forest
Chris Coekin
Knock Three Times. Working men, social clubs and other stories
Anders Petersen
Dear Diary
Bertien van Manen
East Wind West Wind
Massimo Vitali
Landscape with Figures
Ostzeit. Geschichten aus einem vergangenen Land
Ostzeit. Stories from a vanished country
Erik Steinbrecher
Gabriele Basilico
Ellen Auerbach
Berlin Tel Aviv London New York
László Moholy-Nagy
Color in Transparency
Fotografische Experimente in Farbe 1934 - 1946
Ricardo Cases
The Frozen Wolf Hunt / La Caza del Lobo Congelado
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Foto, Praha
Nina Schmitz
Jessica Backhaus
What still remains
Jussi Puikkonen
On Vacation
Stephen Gan
Where will we meet next?
Jean-Christian Bourcart
Forbidden City
Texte de Régis Jauffret
Isabel Munoz
Choreographie des Begehrens
Robert Hickman Adams
White Churches of the Plains
Examples from Colorado
Katy Grannan
Model American
David McCabe
A Year in the Life of Andy Warhol
John Lambrichts
Oeverlangen aan de Maas
Wiebke Loeper
Moll 31
Joachim Schmid
Sinterklaas ziet alles
Photowork(s) in Progress
Anne-Celine Jaeger
Image makers, image takers
The Essential Guide to Photography by Those in the Know
Henry Wessel
John Divola
Three Acts
G. Roland Biermann
The Tryptichs