random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Mariette Pathy Allen
The Gender Frontier
HC 21x27,5 cm 168 S.
Kehrer 2003
random picks
Cruel and Tender. Fotografie und das Wirkliche
Lincoln Kirstein
Quarry. A collection in lieu of Memoirs
Gilles Mora
Edward Weston
Forms of Passions - Passion of Forms
Andreas H. Bitesnich
Corbusier et le livre
John Gossage
13 Ways To Miss A Train
Linea veloce Bologna - Milano /1
Robert Lebeck
Unverschämtes Glück
Hans Aarsman
Vroom! Vroom!
Julian Germain
For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture
Takashi Homma
In Our Nature
Robert Adams
Questions For An Overcast Day
Lee Friedlander
Cray at Chippewa Falls
Lars Tunbjörk
Landet Utom Sig.
Texter av Thomas Tidholm och Göran Greider
Micke Berg
Stockholm Blues
POLADARIUM 2012! Every day a new Pola!
Eric Rondepierre
Jeff Wall
Photographs. The Hasselblad Award 2002
Horacio Fernandez (Ed.)
The Latin American Photobook - just arrived!
Christian von Steffelin
Palast der Republik. 1994-2010
Werner Möller
Die Welt spielt Roulette. Zur Kultur der Moderne in der Krise 1927-1932
Charles Fréger
Bleus de Travail
Ed Ruscha
Then and now
Marshall McLuhan
Die mechanische Braut
Volkskultur des industriellen Menschen
Eva Bertram
2 Ein Kind - 2 One Child
Hans W. Mende
Grenzarchiv West-Berlin 1978/1979
Christoph Schifferli
The Japanese Box
Mit einem Essay von Akihito Yasumi
Takashi Homma
Tokyo and My Daughter
Pip Erken
Remnants of the recent past. The Soviet energy legacy
Aenne Biermann
Fotografien 1925-33
Alec Soth
The Last Days of W.
Memoires Intimes d'un Nouveau Millenaire
IVes Rencontres de la Photographie Africaine, Bamako 2001
Martin Rosswog
Takehiko Nakafuji
Enter the Mirror
Haubitz + Zoche
Sinai Hotels
Ewoudt Boonstra
Bad Food Gone Worse
William Christenberry
William Christenberry
Saul Leiter
Early Color
Empty Bottles
George Osodi
Delta Nigeria. The Rape of Paradise
Joshua Lutz
Douglas Nickel
Snapshots. The Photography of Everyday Life. 1888 to the Present
Lance Lensfield
New York
Olivier Cablat
A Typological Study on the Effects of Causality observed
on Individuals exposed to Physical Exercise of a Podiatrical Nature
Gerard Petrus Fieret
Lewis Baltz
The Deaths in Newport
Harvey Benge
My House My Head
Robert Frank
Me And My Brother
Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Mark McPherson
Hijacked Volume 2: Australia / Germany
Sir Benjamin Stone
A record of England
Daniel Frasnay
Im Licht des anderen