random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Jonas Wettre, Staffan Wettre, Gunnar Stenström
Flying Clipper Logbook
HC, 15,5 x 21,5 cm, 128 pp. + engl. booklet
Wettre förlag
random picks
Sehnsucht nach Utopie
Film und Fotografie im Dialog
Thierry Girard
Voyage au pays du Réel
En suivant la Grrande Diagonale de Victor Segalen
Lee Friedlander
American Musicians
Daido Moriyama
Esko Männikkö
100 % Cashmere
Andrej Bán
Lee Friedlander
The American Monument
Lothar Baumgarten
Mauro D' Agati
Palermo Unsung
Fotografen in Nederland
Een Anthologie 1852 - 2002
Lee Friedlander
Cherry Blossom Time In Japan
Complete Works
Harvey Benge
All the places I've ever known
Helmut Newton
Pages from the Glossies. Facsimiles 1956-1998
Robert Frank
New York to Nova Scotia
Vincent Zedelius
Unfortunate Coordinates
Theorie der Fotografie Band I - IV
Nick Waplington
Truth or Consequences
A Personal History of American Photography from the Last Century
Malick Sidibé
Malick Sidibé
Albrecht Tübke
Andrej Krementschouk
No direction home
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Conceptual Forms
Moreno Gentili
NYC New York Revisited
Roswitha Hecke
Jürgen Nefzger
Wolfgang Tillmans
Wolfgang Tillmans 3 Vol. Box
Tillmans, Tillmans Burg, and Truth Study Centre
Hiroshi Sugimoto
VII - Agency Seven
WAR. USA Afghanistan Iraq
Leni Riefenstahl
Schönheit im Olympischen Kampf
Miwa Yanagi
My Grandmothers 001
Harvey Benge
Text Book
Joel Preston Smith
Night of a thousand stars and other portraits of Iraq
Frank Darius
Willkommen im Garten / Welcome to the garden
Vor aller Augen
Fotografie aus Leipzig
Joakim Eskildsen
Die Romareisen
Le romané phirimáta
Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2006
Jamel Shabazz
A Time Before Crack
Doug Aitken
Notes for New Religions. Notes for No Religions
Jan Voster
Caiseal na gCorr - ANSICHTS- / RESTEXEMPLAR!
Bruce Davidson
Time of Change. Civil Rights Photography 1961 - 1965
Michael Wolf
The Transparent City
Abisag Tüllmann
Bildreportagen und Theaterfotografie. 1935 - 1996
Jock Sturges
New Work 1996-2000
Willi Rose
Shadows of War. A German Soldier's Lost Photographs of WW II
Jean-Christian Bourcart
Forbidden City
Texte de Régis Jauffret
Joel Sternfeld
American Prospects
Preface by Andy Grundberg
Erik Steinbrecher
Stubborn Statue