random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Daan van Golden
The Pencil of Nature
D.A.P. 1999
random picks
Alec Soth
Brighton Picture Hunt
Naoko Tamura
John Gossage
The Thirty-Two Inch Ruler / Map of Babylon
Gerrit Engel
Buffalo Grain Elevators
Thomas Demand
La Carte d'apres Nature (Ed. francaise)
Georgischer Frühling. Ein Magnum Tagebuch
Jonathan Crary
Techniken des Betrachters
Sehen und Moderne im 19. Jahrhundert
Jock Sturges
Chien-Chi Chang
The Chain
Positions. Attitudes. Actions
Social an political commitment in photography
Visions from America. Photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art 1940-2001
Peter Bialobrzeski
Jessica Backhaus
What still remains
Joseph Mills
Inner City
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Bergwerke und Hütten
Lewis Baltz
The new Industrial Parks near Irvine, California
Das neue Industriegelände in der Nähe von Irvine, Kalifornien
Christenberry - Reconstruction
The Art of William Christenberry
Roger Taylor
Lewis Carroll - Photographer
Paul Graham
Catalogue 1990
Lee Friedlander
Monica Studer
A walk, a ride, a lift
Stephen Shore
American Surfaces
William Eggleston
Stranded in Canton
Geirmunder Klein
Amin El-Dib
Eine Reise nach Ägypten 1997. Edition 365
Jeff Burton
The Other Place
William Eggleston
The Democratic Forest
Terence Riley
Mies in Berlin
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Die Berliner Jahre 1907-1938
Seiichi Furuya
Sean Sexton
Das wundersame Pflanzenreich des Charles Jones
Mark Power
The Shipping Forecast
Immagini Del Nostro Tempo
Fotografie dalla collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Masafumi Sanai
Paul Virilio
Chambres précaire
Fotografien von Jacqueline Salmon
Achim Käflein
Matthew Sleeth
Paul Kooiker
Room Service
Bertien van Manen
A hundred summers, a hundred winters
Norman Mauskopf
Dark Horses
Christopher Wool
East Broadway Breakdown
Erik Kessels
The Instant Men
Simon Norfolk
For most of it I have no words
Genocide, Landscape, Memory
Georg Aerni
Sites & Signs
The La Brea Matrix Proposal, Ltd. Edition of 100 copies
6 German Photographers and a New Color Icon
Jim Goldberg
Raised by Wolves
Wim Wenders
Places, strange and quiet
Andreas Gursky
Contemporary Photography from the Far East
Asian Dub Photography
Olaf Martens
Frosty Fire
Daido Moriyama
Retrospective Since 1965
Richter Verlag Düsseldorf
Angela Strecker
Spirit of Fu
Drive-By Shots of North-West Vietnam and Graphic Design Reflections
Miro Svolík
The way to the centre