random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Peter Tillessen
OIL ...
SC, 21 x 30 cm., o.pp - Ltd.1st Ed. of
300 copies!
Kodoji 2010
random picks
Hugo Loetscher
Durchs Bild zur Welt gekommen. Reportagen und Aufsätze zur Fotografie
Der Gefrorene Augenblick
Daguerreotypie in Sachsen 1839 - 1860
Richard Kern
Michael Sondern
Sinnliche Enthüllungen
J.C. Tordai
A People Called Palestine
Lisette Model
Harvey Benge
My House My Head
Purple Sexe...
Anthony Hernandez
Waiting, Sitting, Fishing, And Some Automobiles
(Los Angeles, photographs of)
Thomas Kläber
Willi Moegle
Die Sachfotografie
Cy Twombly
Rosalind Solomon
Polish Shadow
Torbjorn Rodland
Grav met utsikt / Grave with a View
Metamorphoses De L´Electricite
Cat Tuong Nguyen
Underdog Suite
Fotografien und Collagen 1996-2009
Roger Eberhard
Wilted Country
Horst Haman
One Night on Broadway
Edward Ruscha
Editions 1959-1999. Catalgue Raisonne
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Ute Behrend
The last year of childhood - Upcoming very soon!
Dan Graham
Irving Penn
Objects for the Printed Pages
Robert Huber & Stephan van Fleteren
Elvis & Presley
Danny Lyon
The Bikeriders
Gillian Wearing
Jozo Palkovits
Lost Pictures
In Deutschland
Aspekte gegenwärtiger Dokumentarfotografie
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un Faune
Models. A collection of 132 German police uniforms and how they should be worn.
Yves Marchand
The ruins of Detroit
Michael Light
Full Moon
Aufbruch zum Mond Das Jahrhundertereignis in Bildern
Uschi Huber
Florian Böhm
Wait For Walk
John Gossage
Putting back the Wall
Johann van der Keuken
The Lucid Eye. The photographic work 1953-2000
Bill Brandt
Homes Fit For Heroes. 1939 -- 1943
Leo Divendal
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Bruce Weber
A House is not a Home
Krass Clement
Langs Vinden
Jack Pierson
The Lonely Life
Marc Quinn
Marianne Müller
A Part of My Life
Sweet Action #2
Porn for Girls
Anne-Marie Beckmann (Ed.)
XL Photography 4
Thomas Weski
click doubleclick
The Documentarian Moment
Stephen Shore
Fotografien 1973-1993
Thorsten Scheid
Fotografie als Metapher
Zur Konzeption des Fotografischen im Film
Sophie Ristelhueber
Ilse Bing
Vision of a Century
Claudio Hils
The Making Of The Euro. Ein Historienmosaik
Mary Ellen Mark
American Odyssey