Guy Stricherz
Americans in Kodachrome
HC 26 x 32 cm.
Twin Palms 2003
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Der Printer, der als Experte für das Dye Transfer Verfahren bekannt wurde, und Egglestons Abzüge printete, stellt hier seine Auswahl von Kodachrome prints der fünfziger und sechziger vor. --"Americans in Kodachrome 1945- 1965" from Guy Stricherz is an unprecedented portrayal of the daily life of the people during these formative years of modern American culture. It is comprised of ninety-five color photographs made by over ninety unknown photographers. (Made as memoirs of family and friends, the photographs reveal a freespirited, intuitive approach.) Guy Stricherz is an expert in the dye-transfer technique and printed for Eggleston.