Deirdre O´Callaghan
Hide That Can
The men of Arlington House
HC 26 x 20 cm. 230pp.
Trolley 2002
Case Study über Englands größtes Obdachlosenheim. Mit seinen Close-Ups, Portraits und Quotes ein beeindruckendes und ehrliches Buch.
"The photographer Deirdre O'Callaghan has brought together four years' work at the refuge, her record of the despair, humour and hope on the faces of the residents, a gallery of a largely expatriate community at odds with the world outside. O'Callaghan's pictures, along with Bono's text also record the work of the hostel itself in trying to reintegrate the residents into that world, photographs of clarity and wonder taken during trips to Ireland for the inmates. Some have lived at Arlington House for 30 years; many have not seen their families for as long. "