random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Boris Mikhailov
Case History
HC, 17,5 x 24 cm., 478 pp.
Scalo 1999
random picks
Cindy Sherman
A Play Of Selves
Roswitha Hecke
Lynne Cohen
Ohio # 11
Photos von Burkhard Brunn (Hochsitze)
Matthew Barney
Cremaster 3
Dennis Hopper
A Keen Eye. Artist, Photographer, Filmmaker
Christian Gieraths
The Singled Person
F. C. Gundlach
A Clear Vision
Richard Avedon
Jörg Steinmetz
Be here now
August Sander
August Sander
In der Photographie gibt es keine ungeklärten Schatten
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Landschaften und Städte
Texte von Erik Orsenna und Gérard Macé
Liselotte Strelow
Retrospektive 1908 - 1981
Vittore Fossati
In riva ai fiumi vicino ai ponti
Robert Frank
Frank Films. The Film and Video Work of Robert Frank
Bruce Weber
Blood Sweat and Tears
Or how I stopped worrying and learned to love fashion
Pipilotti Rist
Apricots Along The Street
John Divola
Matthias Hoch
Robert Adams
Along some Rivers
Axel Hütte
Foam Mag
# 10 Stories
Mary Ellen Mark
Fotografen in Nederland
Een Anthologie 1852 - 2002
Hans Engels
Bauhaus-Architektur. Bauhaus Architecture
Text by/von Ulf Meyer
Peter J. Mönnig
Rom. Die Ausgrabungen zur Pax Romana von Peter J. Mönnig
John Gossage
The Pond. A book of 52 photographs
Gregory Crewdson
Petter Hegre
100 naked girls
India through the lens. Photography 1840-1911
Einar Hansen
The Fog will clear, the Snow will melt
Daido Moriyama
Lettre á St. Loup
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Streetwork 1993-1997
Richard Renaldi
Figure and Ground
Joakim Eskildsen
I Chicken Moon
Heiner Schilling
The Entropic Forest
Keld Helmer-Petersen
Keld Helmer-Petersen. Photographs 1941 - 1995
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Foto, Praha
Gabriele Basilico
Beyrouth 1991 (2003)
David Levinthal
Modern Romance
Dominique Auerbacher
did you say il progresso?
Linea veloce Bologna - Milano /2
Doug Aitken
Notes for New Religions. Notes for No Religions
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture - Special Edition
Thomas Demand
Anders Edström
Waiting some birds a bus a woman
spidernets places a crew
Claudia Rorarius
What it Feels
William Klein
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Liebe / Love
Joseph Szabo
Machiel Botman
One Tree