random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Geirmunder Klein
HC 16 x 23 cm., signed & numbered, edition of 20.
Epibraal 2009
random picks
Peter Lindbergh
Invasion - Stern Portfolio no. 29
Andreas Herzau
John Divola
Isolated Houses
Jakob Tuggener
Ballnächte / Ball Nights 1934 - 1950
Andreas Gursky
Wim Wenders
Places, strange and quiet
Rene Burri
Die Deutschen
Takashi Homma
Stars and Stripes
New York December 26, 2001 - January 5, 2002
Purple 11
La Mer
Klaus Staeck
Frohe Zukunft
Fotografien aus dreißig Jahren
Claudio Hils
Pipilotti Rist
Remake of the Weekend
Sylvia Plachy
Red Light. Inside the sex industry
Peter Lindbergh
Untitled 116
Joakim Eneroth
Utan Slut / Without End
a koan
Gabriele Basilico
Interrupted City / La ciudad interrumpida
Stefano de Luigi
Walter Peterhans
Fotografien 1927-38
Boris Mikhailov
Crimean snobism
Daniel Frasnay
Im Licht des anderen
Ed Templeton
The Contagion of Suggestibility
Bettina Lockemann
Robert Frank
Seven Stories
Tim Page
The Mindful Moment
Ed Ruscha
Joel Sternfeld
Tatorte - Bilder gegen das Vergessen
Pieter Wisse
I Believe in 88
Paul Graham
New Europe
Thomas Ruff
Victor Burgin
Greg Girard
In the Near Distance
Joel Sternfeld
American Prospects
Gerhard Kurtz
Haus, Weg, Baum
Gozo Yoshimasu
Gozo Yoshimasu: Ireland
In - between 11
Joel Sternfeld
Walking the High Line
Alex Majoli
Leros. You survived
Daido Moriyama
Record #10
Kiroku #10
Anders Petersen
Roma. a diary 2005
Inge Morath
New York
Diane Arbus
Robert Lebeck
Neugierig auf Welt
Erinnerungen eines Fotoreporters
Gert Jochems
Lucinda Devlin
Lucinda Devlin / Peter Hendricks
32. Jahresausstellung der Darmstädter Sezession 2010 + 11
Photobook Award Catalogue Volume 4
Herlinde Koelbl
Jüdische Portraits. Photographien und Interviews
Richard Prince
The girl next door