random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Erik Kessels
The Instant Men
SC, 21 x 22 cm., o.pp.
KesselsKramer 1999
random picks
Morten Andersen
Color F.
Boris von Brauchitsch
Kleine Geschichte der Fotografie
Eduard Leve
Ted Partin
Eyes Look Through You
John Hinde
Our true intent is all for your delight
The John Hinde Butlin's Photographs
Paul Casaer
People, Bags, Bushes & Tracks
Harvey Benge
China Story
Larry Towell
The Mennonites
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Toni Schneiders
Photographien 1946 -1980
Die Klasse Magazin #
Transitting # 1
Josef Koudelka
Lime Stone
Johann van der Keuken
Abenteuer eines Auges. Filme. Fotos. Texte
Thomas Wrede
Strange Paradise
Jochen Manz
Twentythree Bankers
Ingeborg Th. Leijerzapf
Henri Berssenbrugge. passie-energie-fotografie
Hans Hansen
Snap me one!
Studiofotografen in Afrika
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Architecture Of Time
Deanna Templeton
Your logo here. Photographs from Southern California, 2004-2006
Christoph Schifferli
Paper Dreams
The Lost Art of Hollywood Still Photography
Gudrun Kemsa
Urban stage
Walker Evans
with an essay by Andrei Codrescu
Stefania Gurdowa
Negatives are to be stored / Klsze przechowuje sie
I. Echtes Leipziger Allerlei
Trent Parke
The Seventh Wave
Jens Liebchen
The Flag
John Coplans
A Body
Cornelia Kemp
Das zweite Gesicht - The other face
Metamorphosen des fotografischen Porträts - Metamorphoses of the Photographic Portrait
Douglas Fogle
The Last Picture Show
Artists using Photography 1960-1982
Amm & Mary Sutton
The American West. A Natural History
Joakim Eskildsen
Nordtegn - Nordic Signs
Christopher Muller
Seeing things
Rene Burri
Die Deutschen
L'insense Photo
No. 2 Japan
Kirill Golovchenko
7 km - Field of wonders
Niels Stomps
MIST. Three Gorges Dam China
Loretta Lux
Loretta Lux
Annelies Strba
Robert Knoth
Certificate no. 000358 /
Nuclear Devastation in Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Urals and Siberia
Richard Billingham
Essay by Michael Tarantino
Kaucyila Brooke
Vitrinen in Arbeit
Stefanie Grebe (Ed.)
Wirklich Wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien
Slavica Percovic
Lee Friedlander
Lee Friedlander
Complete Work
Edward Weston
Life Work
Gudrun Kemsa
Moving Images
Dewey Nicks