random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ian Jeffrey
Universal Pictures
SC 21 x 30 cm., in folder with poster and inlay.
Five Castles 2003
An artist´s book, as a commentary or proposition as to universal subjects being transformed from icons to photography.
random picks
Ewoudt Boonstra
Bad Food Gone Worse
Daniel Frasnay
Im Licht des anderen
Claudia Angelmaier
L' image et l' objet
Paul Kooiker
Anne-Celine Jaeger
Image makers, image takers
The Essential Guide to Photography by Those in the Know
Bernd Langmack
RUHR Ansichten
Patrick Zachmann
Maliens - ici et la-bas
Alwin Tölle
Schwarzwald /Schwarzweiss
Robert Adams
Why People Photograph
Olaf Otto Becker
Unter dem Licht des Nordens. Island 1999 - 2005
Sebastiáo Salgado
Kim Bouvy
Berlin ohne die Mauer
Anders Petersen
Cafe Lehmitz
Charles Fréger
Chris Coekin
The Altogether
Lawrence Weiner
How to touch what
Robert Lebeck
Unverschämtes Glück
Bas Princen
Settings & Playings. Theatrical ambiguity in American photography
Helmut Lederer
Helmut Lederer
Das fotografische Werk 1937-1981
Albert Renger-Patzsch
60 Fotos für die Warburgs
Harry Callahan
Text by A. D. Coleman
Martha Rosler
In the Place of the Public: Observations of a Frequent Flyer
An der Stelle der Öffentlichkeit: Beobachtungen einer Vielfliegerin
Unter Krahnenbäumen
Adam Broomberg
Ralph Gibson
thoughts on aesthetics and photography
Cat Tuong Nguyen
Underdog Suite
Fotografien und Collagen 1996-2009
Gregoire Pujade-Lauraine
The Significant Savages
Iain McKell
The New Gypsies
JAM: Tokyo-London. Die photokina-Bilderschauen 1950-1980
Pieter Wisse
I Believe in 88
Jean-Louis Garnell
Max Regenberg
Power is nothing without control
Plakat und öffentlicher Raum. Eine fotografische Langzeitstudie
Danny Lyon
Forty Years
Bernhard Fuchs
Wojtek Wieteska
N.Y.C. #02
Olivo Barbieri
Lugo e il mare
Rudolph Burckhardt
An afternoon in Astoria
Martha Rosler
Positionen in der Lebenswelt
Larry Clark
Los Angeles
2003 - 2006
Luigi Ghirri
by Massimo Mussini
Adrian Sauer
Rohbau / Atelier
The image regained. Painting and Photography from the eighties to today
Doug Rickard
A New American Picture - WHITE PRESS #9