random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Hans Hansen
HC 28 x 22 cm o.S. 79 Abb.
Lars Müller 2001
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random picks
Abelardo Morell
a book of books
Henry Wessel
California and the West / Odd Photos / Las Vegas
Real Estate Photographs / Night Walk
Terry Richardson
Feared by Men, Desired by Women
Thomas Seelig
Trans Emilia
Erich Mendelsohn
Livre d'images d'un architecte
Christoph Burtscher
My father is the boss. Early photographs
Peter Dressler
Business Class
Mars /
Lilly´s Waist
One Picture book
Hans Bellmer
The Doll
Im Ruhrgebiet
Richard Prince
American English
Frits Gierstberg
FreEye Magazine #1
Dutch Magazine for Exceptional Photography
William Eggleston
Stranded in Canton
Peter Hujar - Eine Retrospektive
Trent Parke
The Seventh Wave
Andreas Trogisch
photo folder #2 from 6 folders
Susanne Gerber
KUNST.STOFF.TÜTEN / Plastic bags
Elliott Erwitt
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall / MoMA
Romanik am Rhein
Lee Friedlander
Work from the same House
Photographs & Etchings
Steve Pyke
Post Mortem
One picture book # 33
Andrew Phelps
Robert Häusser
Robert Häusser: Aus dem photographischen Werk 1938-2004
Carl De Keyzer
Jeroen Kramer
Room 103
George Osodi
Delta Nigeria. The Rape of Paradise
Peter J. Mönnig
Rom. Die Ausgrabungen zur Pax Romana von Peter J. Mönnig
Andreas Gefeller
Lee Friedlander
American Musicians
Verborgene Terreinen
Andreas Trogisch
photofolder #6 from 6 folders
Jens Olof Lasthein
Moments in between
Chris Keulen
Hete Glassplinters - Le Tour D'Afrique
Philip Ursprung
Grenzen der Kunst
Allan Kaprow und das Happening Robert Smithson und die Land Art
Ed Templeton
Drinking the Kool-Aid
John Gossage
There and Gone. 124 Photographs
Nan Goldin
Luzifers Garten
Beate Kemfert (Ed.)
Road Atlas. Straßenfotografie von Helen Levitt bis Pieter Hugo.
Bernhard Fuchs
Portrait Fotografien
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Landschaften und Städte
Texte von Erik Orsenna und Gérard Macé
Open Range and Parking Lots. Southwest photographs
Miguel Rio Branco
Essay by David Levi Strauss. Afterword by Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastiao Salgado
Design Issue No.15
Paul Reas
I Can Help
Aino Kannisto
Staged Photographs
Joachim Schmid
Very Miscellaneous
Country Life. The Village Hall Exhibitions
Vor aller Augen
Fotografie aus Leipzig
Kenro Izu
Sacred Places