random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Dan Graham
Dan Graham by Dan Graham
SC,18,5 x 25,5 cm., 300 pp.
Chiba City Museum of Art / Kitakiushu Municipal
Museum of Art 2003
random picks
Uschi Huber
Zärtliche Betrachtungen schöner Damen. Photographien aus der Sammlung Gruber
Avedon Richard
Woman in the Mirror
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Bergwerke und Hütten
Robert Adams
Sunlight, Solitude, Democracy, Home...
Photographs by Robert Adams
Douglas Fogle
The Last Picture Show
Artists using Photography 1960-1982
New Topographics. Photographs of a Man-altered Landscape
Daido Moriyama
Record #8
Kiroku #8
Stephen Shore
Das Wesen der Fotografie
Ohio # 10
J.M. Arsath Ro'is Amsterdam
Aymeric Fouquez
Andreas Gursky
Edward Grazda
Afghanistan Diary: 1992-2000
Paula Rae Gibson
diary of a love addict
heute bis jetzt
Zeitgenössische Fotografie aus Düsseldorf, Teil I
Takashi Yasumura
Domestic Scandals
Jeff Wall
Photographs. The Hasselblad Award 2002
Tokyo Tokyo
Pieter Hugo
Nollywood - Special Edition with Print!
Florian Maier-Aichen
Florian Maier-Aichen
William Eggleston
Los Alamos
Lee Friedlander
Fourteen American Monuments
Herbert Molderings (Hrsg.)
Man Ray - La Photographie N'Est Pas L'Art
Thomas Demand
La Carte d'apres Nature (Ed. francaise)
André Wagner
Authentic Nature, Special Ed. - Ltd. to 30 copies
Liza Nguyen
Postcards of Vietnam, 2005
Ralph Hinterkeuser
Lille Métropole
Joel Sternfeld
Hart Island
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall / MoMA
Mars /
Lilly´s Waist
One Picture book
Maxwell Anderson
See You Soon
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter
Models. A collection of 132 German police uniforms and how they should be worn.
Henrik Spohler
0 /1 Dataflow
Italia - Portrait einer Nation
250 Fotografien aus sechs Jahrzenten
Helmut Newton
Us and Them
Gregory Crewdson
Beneath the Roses
Nobuyoshi Araki
Tokyo Love
Spring Fever 1994
Shift! Lichtbildvortrag
Andreas Feininger