random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Helmut Gernsheim
Pionier der Fotogeschichte/ Pioneer of Photo History
HC, 24,5 x 28,5 cm., o.pp.
Hatje Cantz
random picks
Christiane Stahl (Hrsg.)
Mikrofotografie - Schönheit jenseits des Sichtbaren
Gianni Berengo Gardin
Italians Italiener
Erwin Blumenfeld
Erwin Blumenfeld: His Dutch Years
David T. Hanson
Waste Land. Meditations on a Ravaged Landscape
Blink. 100 Photographers, 10 Curators, 10 Writers
Sebastiáo Salgado
Gabor Ösz
The Liquid Horizon / Der fließende Horizont
Nina Schmitz
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume II
Horatiu Sava
(zurück nach) Transsilvanien
edition 365_12
Martin Parr
Think of England
Birgit Akesson
Postmoderner Tanz aus Schweden
Albert Watson
Joakim Eskildsen
I Chicken Moon
Beat Streuli
Asako Narahashi
Funiculi Funicula
Rolf H. Krauss
Walter Benjamin und der neue Blick auf die Photographie
Kikuji Kawada
Kikuji Kawada / The Map
Antje Peters
01/ The Girlfriend
02/ The Popstar
Tom Wood
Not only female...
Marie Sommer
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #54
Fischli & Weiss
Musée d'art moderne Paris
Paolo Ventura
War Souvenir
Tracy Moffatt
Robert Frank
story lines
Lutz Essers
DesignGuide Köln / Cologne
Bruce Gilden
Fashion Magazine
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam : Landscapes for the Homeless II
Harmony Korine
Floris Neusüss
Walker Evans
Message from the Interior
Michael Wolf
Hong Kong: front door / back door
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Mark Borthwick
All Events Are Even
Jean Gaumy
Auf hoher See
Peter Galassi
Walker Evans & Company
Jochen Manz
Twentythree Bankers
Huger Foote
It´s Always The Day After
Alfred Stieglitz
Dorothea Lynch
Exploding into Life
Martin Parr
Small World
Herbert L. Lottmann
Man Ray`s Montparnasse
Ben Westwood
Göran Gnaudschun
Göran Gnaudschun
Eiko Grimberg
When Germans clap, it's like we boouuh