random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Henry Fox Talbot
The Pencil of Nature
HC in slipcase, 30,5 x 24 cm., 120pp. incl.
Faksimile Reprint des Textes
Lindemanns / Hogyf Budapest 1998
random picks
David Maisel
The Lake Project
Unter Krahnenbäumen
Stephen Gill
Hackney Flowers
Special Ed.
Michael Schäfer
Mikael Olsson
Södrakull Frösakull
Ilya Ehrenburg
My Paris
Text and Photographs
Bruce Gilden
Facing New York
Antonio Caballero
Las Rutas de Pasíon
Mexico 1960's - 1970's
Margit Zuckriegl
Weegee's Story. From the Berinson Collection
Sarah Pickering
Explosions, Fires, and public order
Patrick Zachmann
Maliens - ici et la-bas
John Szarkowski
The Idea of Louis Sullivan
Stefan Banz
The Muhammad Ali`s
The Polaroid Book Selections from the Polaroid Collections of Photography
Sarah Moon
Zufällige Begegnungen
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien von 1984 bis heute
Martin Dixon
Brooklyn Kings
New York City's Black Bikers
Robert Weingarten
6:30 am
Paris in Detail
Richard Billingham
Essay by Michael Tarantino
Stephen Shore
Stephen Shore
Olaf Otto Becker
Above zero
JH Engström
Virginia Beahan
No Ordinary Land
Encounters in a changing environment
Richard Avedon
Günther Derleth
Ruta de la Plata
Georg Grosz
Das Auge des Künstlers. Photographien New York 1932
Hashem El Madani
Studio Practices
Bernhard Fuchs
Portrait Fotografien
Jean-Claude Lemagny
Atget- le pionnier
Julius Shulman
Vest Pocket Pictures
Luc Chessex
Around the World
Rudy Vanderlans
Jean-Marc Bustamente
Long Playing
Robert Häusser
Robert Häusser: Aus dem photographischen Werk 1938-2004
Gilles Mora
Edward Weston
Forms of Passions - Passion of Forms
Sandro Scalia
Le citta di Palermo. Cities within the City
Erica Overmeer
Struik in Perkje / Affiche
John Stathatos
the book of lost cities
Barry Frydlender
Place and Time
Paul Graham
New Europe
Rob van der Nol
14 - 11 - 2005 10:32 - 11:56 2310 stappen
Kyoichi Tsuzuki
Roadside Japan
Polly Borland
The Babies
Angelika Affentrager-Kirchrath
Franz Gertsch
Die Magie des Realen
Jeff Wall
Figures and Places
In Response to Place. Photographs from the Nature Conservancy's Last Great Places
New York
Textes de Francoise Sagan
Immagini Del Nostro Tempo
Fotografie dalla collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Intersection. Car culture
Daniel Seymour
A Loud Song
Roger Eberhard
Wilted Country