Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Gerard Petrus Fieret
Foto en Copyright by G.P. Fieret
SC, 24 x 33 cm., o.pp.
Uitgeverij Foetnoot / Gemeentemuseum Den Haag 2004

Kleiner Reisetip für Den Haag: Sollten sie einmal dort sein und einen alten Mann auf einem Fahrrad sehen, rechts und links am Lenker je einen Eimer mit Taubenfutter, dann winken sie ihm doch mal zu. Es handelt sich nämlich um G.P. Fieret, Künstler, Dichter und Fotograf. Der oftmals intime Blick auf die Motive aus seiner Umgebung kollidiert mit der rauhen Art der Abzüge, dem penetrant anwesenden Copyrightstempel und verleiht den Bildern eine unglaubliche Kraft.

"Photography in and of itself is, of course, a rather chilly business: camera lenses, power to absorb the image, refractions. Chemistry- strict rules of the game, no? But soon you discover that you really can bend it as you wish, like bamboo, and then it turns out to be supple as water, and you can find and recognize all sorts of graphic gradations in the image. I?m thinking now of Daumier or Rembrandt, for instance - every "ism" can be realized in photography." - Gerard Petrus Fieret

This was how G. P. Fieret described his craft while photographing in his home city of The Hague. Photographing a mix of street scenes caught on the fly and intimate encounters within his dark studio bedroom, women are the subject and near constant presence in his imagery. The book Foto En Copyright from the publisher Uitgeverij Voetnoot and the Fotomuseum Den Haag is an offering of 150 of Fieret?s photos that add up to a 40 year impressionistic and autobiographical romp with the opposite sex.

Fieret?s technique is one of anything goes. He discovered the freedom to explore and stumble upon those ?graphic gradations? he speaks of by making unique prints that are cropped, solarized, fogged, filthy with dust and printed with extreme contrast. They sit unevenly on the paper keeping you aware the surface as much as they draw you into the image. Applying these techniques in the darkroom, he heightens the ambiance of his encounters with women until they may remind us of our own trysts - our own moments of titillation and erotic encounter. Somewhat rough and lacking detail like our memories, Fieret?s chiaroscuro reduces the subject to direct and bold gesture and form. (...)

Fieret?s work is gritty and pleasure seeking and this book captures that essence perfectly with its choice of paper and raw magazine style presentation. This has quickly become one of my favorite recent additions." (J.Ladd/5B4)


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