random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Sonja Braas
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HC 21,5 x 27 cm o.S.
Braas 2000
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random picks
Max Baur. Fotografien 1925-1960. Im Geist des Bauhaus.
Nicolas Nixon
Jean-Christophe Bourcart
madones infertiles
Björn Pretzel
Anderswelten. Ästhetik des Untergangs
Ryoji Akiyama
New York Reports
Nina Poppe
AMA - Collector's Ed. with 2 prints
Candida Höfer
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture.
Annie Leibowitz
Andrej Krementschouk
Chernobyl Zone I - Coming in Spring 2011!
Erik Van der Weijde
foto.zine nr.1
#1 - #8
Sigfried Giedion und die Fotografie
Bildinszenierungen der Moderne
Brumm Thomas
Look Twice
Gerry Johansson
Amerikabilder 1962-93
Frank Breuer
Logos Warehouses Containers
Frank Darius
Vera Lutter
Light in Transit
Detlef Orlopp
Detlef Orlopp
Lee Friedlander
Graciela Iturbide
The Hasselblad award 2008
Gerhard Richter
War Cut
Herbert Tobias
Bilder der Sehnucht
Photographien 1951-1960
Bruce Haley
13 Million Tons of Pig Iron
Gabriele Muschter (Hrsg.)
DDR Frauen fotografieren
Lexikon und Anthologie
Luigi Ghirri
It´s beautiful here, isn´t it ..
Larry Sultan
Pictures from Home
Stephen Gill
Hackney Flowers
Special Ed.
Hans-Peter Feldmann
272 pages
Desiree Dolron
Erwin Olaf
Violence and Passion
Text by Jonathan Turner
Delphine Durieux
Island. The island of Schiemonnikog by 7 photographers
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Thomas Wrede
Manhattan Picture Worlds
Mariken Wessels
Elisabeth - I want to eat
Alberto Garcia - Alix
Rem Koolhaas
Great Leap Foreward. Project on the City 1 - Harvard Design School
Raghubir Singh
A Way into India
Geo D. Oliver
Photographs of an Unwritten Future
The point of travelling: Book One
Sarah Moon
Zufällige Begegnungen
Lewis Baltz
Sagmeister made you look
Written by Peter Hall. Designed by Sagmeister Inc.
Philip Jones Griffiths
Vietnam Inc.
Klaus Staeck
Frohe Zukunft
Fotografien aus dreißig Jahren
Oliver Sieber
Deutsch. Young German Photographer
Larry J. Schaaf
The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot
Matthew Sleeth
Ten Series /
106 Photographs
Jim Goldberg
Open See
Stephen White
The Photograph and the American Dream 1840-1940
Peter Granser
Coney Island
Anders Petersen
Fotografier/ Photographs 1966-1996
Kunstforum : Der Gebrauch der Fotografie
Bd. 171
Michael Schmidt
Berlin Kreuzberg