random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
random picks
Einar Hansen
The Fog will clear, the Snow will melt
Thomas Demand
Cuts, Papers and Leaves. Colomina & Kluge
Ann Mandelbaum
Thin Skin
Takashi Homma
New Documentary. Exhibition Catalogue
Eva Castringius
The Big Sky. Los Angeles -Berlin
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture.
Helmut Newton
Archives de nuit
Japanese Edition
Pieter Hugo
Permanent Error
Machiel Botman
One Tree
Hugo Loetscher
Durchs Bild zur Welt gekommen. Reportagen und Aufsätze zur Fotografie
Larry Sultan
The Valley
Chris Killip
In Flagrante - Errata book #4
John Gossage
The Pond. A book of 52 photographs
Paul Reas
I Can Help
Andreas Magdanz
Dienststelle Marienthal
Eine Gebäudemonographie
David Goldblatt
Cincuenta y un anos
Gerard Petrus Fieret
Albert Renger-Patzsch
Frühe Fotografien
Helmar Lerski
Metamorphosis through Light- Verwandlungen durch Licht
Paul Graham
New Europe
Aymeric Fouquez
Andrea Robbins & Max Becher
The Transportation Of Place
Moord in Rotterdam
Diverse Photographieen 1905 - 1967
Koos Breukel
Photostudio Koos Breukel
Michael Stevenson
Take your road and along
The advent of the modern black painter in Africa
Lee Friedlander
Cray at Chippewa Falls
Paolo Ventura
War Souvenir
Andrew Phelps
Ragnar Axelsson
Die Seele des Nordens/Faces of the North - German Edition
Doug Aitken
Notes for New Religions. Notes for No Religions
Joseph Szabo
Jan Banning
Comfort Women
Esther Haase
Lee Friedlander
Apples and Olives
Hasselblad Price 2005
Peter Bialobrzeski
André Mérian
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Grundformen Industrieller Bauten
Bettina Rheims
Chambre Close
Der fotografierte Mensch in Bildern der Fotografischen Sammlung im Museum Folkwang
Stephen Shore
The Nature of Photographs
Tobias Zielony
The Cast
du 06/2002. Polaroid. Eine Episode
Andreas Herzau
Vittore Fossati
In riva ai fiumi vicino ai ponti
G. Roland Biermann
The Tryptichs
Koji Onaka
Slow Boat
Annelies Oberdanner
Wien - Buch 2. Wien 1995-2009
140 Fotografien
Gordon McDonald
It's wrong to wish on Space Hardware
Zoltán Jokáy
Der, die, das
Cuny Janssen
There is something in the Air in Prince Albert
David McCabe
A Year in the Life of Andy Warhol