Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Boris Mikhailov
The Wedding
HC, 24 x 23,5 cm., 57 pp.
Mörel 2011

"Challenging and provocative, Mikhailov's photographs document human casualties living in post communist Eastern Europe after the demise of the Soviet Union. They are unflinching and ruthless depictions of poverty and the homeless (also known as Bomzhes) living in the margins of Russia's new economic regime without social support or care. This series presents a simulated wedding between two homeless people often naked and in sexual poses, set amongst their own surroundings. (...)
?The Wedding? is bound in imitation of a traditional wedding album, with faux-leather and gold-debossed lettering designed by calligrapher John Stevens. It is further finished off with a text by Adrian Searle." (Mörel books)


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