random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
David Alan Harvey
Divided Soul
HC 34x23 cm
Phaidon 2003
random picks
David Campany
Kunst und Fotografie
Sergey Shestakov
Journey into the future - stop #1
Josef Sudek
Smuthá krajina
Danny Lyon
Knave Of Hearts
Moises Saman
This is War
Witness to Man's Destruction
Rob Hornstra
Sochi Singers
Sir Benjamin Stone
A record of England
Menschen am Rhein
Hans-Christian Schink
Koji Onaka
The Dog in France
Contemporary Photography from the Far East
Asian Dub Photography
Tony Ray-Jones
Tony Ray-Jones
Anders Petersen
Close distance
The Purple Journal
Number 9, Winter 06/07
Clemens Kalischer
New York. Stadt der Fotografen - Upcoming in Oktober!
Simone Nieweg
Landschaften und Gartenstücke
John Divola
Three Acts
Abelardo Morell
Abelardo Morell
Andrea Diefenbach
Aids in Odessa
Anthony Hernandez
Waiting for Los Angeles
Chritian Gapp
Digitales Bild ? Bildung des Digitalen
Edward Burtynsky
Manufactured Landscapes
Fischli & Weiss
Max Regenberg
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Architecture Of Time
Foam: Mario Testino
Wilhelm Schürmann
Pegel Köln
Alex Farquharson
The Magic Hour . The Convergence of Art and Las Vegas
Erwin Fieger
Bruno Barbey
The Italians
Conrad Godly
Untitled Nudes
Alec Soth
Dog Days Bogotá
Mechthild Op Gen OOrth
Berlin Berlin
Katrin Thomas
Living Fashion
Jens Liebchen
Playing Fields
Pipilotti Rist
Apricots Along The Street
Thierry Girard
Les cinq Voies de Vassiviere
Peggy Phelan
Pipilotti Rist
Aura Rosenberg
Berliner Kindheit
Elger Esser
Cap d´Antifer - Étretat
Walid Raad
The Atlas Group (1989 - 2004)
A Project by Walid Raad
Jean-Marc Bustamente
Long Playing
Guido Costa
Nan Goldin
Subjektive Fotografie. Bilder der 50er Jahre
Henrik Spohler
0 /1 Dataflow
Walker Evans
Message from the Interior
K. Helmer-Petersen
122 Colour Photographs
Esther Haase
Martin Parr
Boring Postcards